Saturday, November 14, 2009

My First Gray 19!?!

So yesterday, November 13th I had the worst scare thus far! My (only) nephew appeared to be having some breathing problems while he was in my care. I know he wasn't feeling too well. Normally he is HYPERactive, giggling, testing his vocal cords, typical 6-month old stuff, but yesterday he just wasn't being himself. Which lead me and his parents to taking him to the emergency room. After performing an array of tests everything seemed to check out. Luckily he was discharged from the hospital. We all were concerned that he might have asthma, or worse SWINE FLU! I'm just thankful my lil "juice-man" is healthy and back to his normal self. Maybe he was acting strange because he was sick of me playing dress up with him? What you think?