Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From This Day Forward...Well You Will Have To Wait?

Gay nuptials will have to wait in the state of Maine, for now. Voters decided to overturn legislation that would allow same-sex marriages within the state. The vote was significantly close, 53-47. The vote was just another win for opponents to gay marriage nationwide. Now more than 30 states have held elections to allow gays to marry.

Similarly, California voted against allowing same-sex marriage with Proposition 8 nearly a year ago. Unlike Proposition 8 in California, Proposition 1 in Maine works only as a veto and can be overturned by lawmakers the next time they convene.

According to CNN reports, early exit polls suggested that the legislation would be upheld, which would have had enormous implications in favor of homosexual nuptials. Because there was such a narrow margin of votes implies that there is a shift in people's attitude toward the idea of same-sex marriage. Perhaps its a cultural change that many are willing to see.

Ultimately, this issue is going to have to be decided. It will be probably reach a national resolution like issues of the Civil Rights Movement. Initially some civil rights issues were left up to the state, but eventually had to be decided on a nationwide basis through the Supreme Court.