Monday, November 16, 2009

monday madness part l'un

American movies are often released internationally, "Couple's Retreat" is no different. Or is it? The movie chronicles FOUR couples trip on a relationship retreat. The main headliner of the film is Vince Vaughn, so of course he would appear on all promotional media and products. But what about the co-stars? Well promotional posters in the United States include ALL FOUR couples, but the UK version, leaves out ONE particular couple. The black couple. Truth be told, the film's target market might not know the two black co-stars as well as the A-list Hollywood actors, but is it blatant racism?

Some have offered their opinions on the situation. James Ulmer believes that "the international marketplace is still fairly racist." Even if that is the case, is that acceptable? Universal, obviously does not believe so, although they allowed it to occur. The entertainment group issued a statement that regretted any offense the poster could or would have caused. They also say that the altered posters will not be used and have subsequently been removed.

My Opinion: There is no doubt that the posters are "suggestively" racist. The blacks were "good enough" to be include in the film, but should not reap the publicity benefits that the non-blacks could potentially receive. As far as the international marketplace being racist, I just have a hard time accepting that as an excuse. It is 2009, there are IGOs that exist such as the United Nations, that unite all people of the world. In many modernized countries especially in Western Europe, there are blacks, whites, and asians all living within the same borders. Do incidents as such suggest to minority groups that they should assume a subservient role? Do incidents as such suggest that white supremacy still lives throughout the world?