Thursday, December 10, 2009

what they don't want you to know about SWINE FLU (H1N1)

Media sensationalism has catapulted Swine Flu to the forefront of the national agenda. Many media reports urge the public to get the vaccine to reduce the chances of contracting the potentially deadly disease. Unfortunately mass media reports have not warned of the dangers of getting the vaccine.

One major danger of being vaccinated is a muscular degenerative disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or GBS. Fourteen-year old, Jordan McFarland, knows the devastating effects of the Swine Flu vaccine. He was diagnosed with GBS no later than a week after receiving the shot. Jordan reports that he is struggling to walk and needs the assistance of a wheel chair to get around. Prior to the vaccine he was an essentially healthy teen. Take a look at the video below.