Saturday, December 19, 2009



a cool christmas gift...

This Christmas is definitely going to be one to remember. It is my first "white" Christmas, thanks to this "blizzard" that blanketed the east coast with snow. It is also going to be my nephew's first ever Christmas, so to see him "opening" up his gifts is going to be nothing short of hilarious. He will probably just try to put the gifts in his mouth, but I'm excited for him. There is one "worldly" thing that I wouldn't mind santa slipping under my tree. I would love to get a puppy for Christmas. I've never had a doggie, I have had pets though. I would particularly love a Bishon Frise. I've done my research and they do not shed much, so pet dander isn't going to be a problem (or so I hope). I did not want a really big dog either, so the size is perfect. How could Santa say no to something as cute as this?

Friday, December 11, 2009

protect and serve

The job description of police everywhere includes these 2 simple words: protect (and) serve. All too often do they do just the opposite. Remember Rodney King? Ronnie Hathaway? You know the schizophrenic 49-year old from Passiac, NJ. How about Marshawn Pitts, the 15-year old special needs student? Unfortunately all of these guys have something in common, they are all black and they are all the victims of unjustified severe police brutality.

Incidents as such are the reason why police departments across the nation cannot forge a working relationship with many communities, especially those densely populated with blacks. Thus, many murders go unsolved. People do not want to talk with police (uniformed or white collared) because they cannot trust them. How often do you see instances as such in affluent white communities? As if "crime" doesn't exist in those areas.

Dr. Marin Luther King Jr. said it best: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Thursday, December 10, 2009

what they don't want you to know about SWINE FLU (H1N1)

Media sensationalism has catapulted Swine Flu to the forefront of the national agenda. Many media reports urge the public to get the vaccine to reduce the chances of contracting the potentially deadly disease. Unfortunately mass media reports have not warned of the dangers of getting the vaccine.

One major danger of being vaccinated is a muscular degenerative disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, or GBS. Fourteen-year old, Jordan McFarland, knows the devastating effects of the Swine Flu vaccine. He was diagnosed with GBS no later than a week after receiving the shot. Jordan reports that he is struggling to walk and needs the assistance of a wheel chair to get around. Prior to the vaccine he was an essentially healthy teen. Take a look at the video below.

Monday, December 7, 2009

my nerd moment, dont judge me!

Recently, I have been on a hiatus courtesy of Final Exams at my University (fun, right?). During the "studying" part of my exams, I read a WONDERFUL book, that my professor Dr. H. Hirsch decided to make part of our examination. The book is called "There's Nothing in the Middle of Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos," by Jim Hightower. The book deciphers the underworld of the American Political Arena. In the book, Hightower exposes the government for its faulty practices and for lack of better words "shitty policies." It (the book) is broken up into 5 chapters with subchapters within each to help better illustrate his points.

My favorite part of the book is the fourth chapter, "Pollution." This chapter is the vehicle Hightower uses to make sense of the hoopla surrounding the environment. A vast majority of the chapter is dedicated to agribusiness. There are so many instances that he points out that I was not aware of, which I accredit to naivete'. A good example of this is the "mad cow disease" outbreak in the United Kingdom. This "outbreak" was when many of the cattle supply in the UK had fallen ill to a disease called Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, BSE, or commonly known as "mad cow disease."With this disease, cows suffer from degeneration of brain tissue and the spinal cord. The symptoms are not caught instantly but are prevalent as early as 4 years after being infected with BSE. Hightower points out HOW COWS GET INFECTED! Cows are naturally herbivores, but the government and those in charge of our beef supply have turned them into essentially carnivores, or CANNIBALS. By this cannibalism, I mean that the cows are fed themselves essentially, well other cows that have been sent to the chopper. When cows consume themselves this triggers the "protein" that causes BSE. If you are interested in the safety of cows, how about the safety of yourself? If you consume these tainted cow products (meat or milk) you can become infected with the human version of the mad cow disease, CJD, or Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease, which has some of the same symptoms. These symptoms include degeneration of BRAIN TISSUE and the SPINAL CORD. This disease, CJD, has been linked to other dementia disease such as Alzheimer's Disease, hmm? Perhaps that is why we all know someone either diagnosed with the disease or caring for someone who has been diagnosed with the disease.

With that being said, this is definitely a good read. It is extremely informative. I just can't wait until Jim Hightower runs for president, where do I get a ballot? (not that i disapprove of the current president of those of the past)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

world AIDS day

I know I haven't blogged in awhile, but in the words of our great president "It's Time for a Change." Today is World AIDS Day! Which means it is time to dispel some common myths.

1. Is HIV and AIDS the same thing?
-No. When someone is said to be living with HIV, that simply means that they have the virus within their body. When someone is said to be living with AIDS, that means their immune system is so weak that it cannot fight off diseases that it could normally.

2. You cannot spread HIV/AIDS or any STDs through oral sex.
-WRONG! Contact with sexual body parts can be a breeding ground for STDs.

3. There is a cure for HIV.
-No. However, there is treatment that could control the virus. The earlier the virus is diagnosed, the higher probability for a longer, healthier life.

4. You can spot someone with HIV, simply by looking at them.
-DEAD WRONG. There is no "HIV Look," in fact people with HIV generally look healthy